Chennai lab says its kit can detect Omicron in 45 minutes

ICMR, India, Detection, Kit, Design, Test, Omnicron, Gene Fragment , Biotechnology, Chemicals

ICMR, India, Detection, Kit, Design, Test, Omnicron, Gene Fragment , Biotechnology, Chemicals

Chennai: The city-based laboratory says it has developed an RT-PCR test kit that can detect the Covid-19 virus in 45 minutes and has been approved by the Indian Medical Research Council. The lab also states that it is possible to distinguish between Omicron and Delta variants.

 Omnicron, Covid, Research , SARS COV2  , Disorder, Pharmanews ,  Biopharmaceutical,  Company

The lab also states that it is possible to distinguish between Omicron and Delta variants.

Kriya Medical Technologies, who said it worked with the ImmuGenix Bioscience Lab to develop the “NOVUS” RTPCR kit, said the approval was posted on the ICMR website on January 15.

Anu Moturi, CEO and founder of KRIYA Medical Technologies, said the kit is compatible with real-time PCR machines in about 45 minutes of test execution. “Not only does it address the issue of test delays, it also helps prevent spread quickly.”

Both companies will manufacture kits at the Oragadam manufacturing facility in the city. The company currently has a production capacity of 5 million kits and plans to increase it to 10 million kits within a week on demand.


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