The 444th meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Singh, Chairman, Registration Committee on 16.01.2023 at 10:30 hrs onwards in PPA Secretariat, DPPQ&S, Faridabad. Wherein Dr. S. C. Dubey, ADG (PP&B) ICAR, New Delhi; Dr. J. P. Singh, Plant Protection Advisor, DPPQS, Faridabad; Dr. Virendera Singh (Representative of Drug Controller General of India) New Delhi; Dr. Vishal Chaudhary, Deputy Industrial Advisor, Ministry of Chemical and Petrochemical, New Delhi and Dr. Sanjay Arya, Secretary, CIB&RC attended the meeting. Experts/Officers from the Secretariat of CIB&RC participated in assisting the RC were Dr. Vandana Seth JD (Chem.); Sh. Subhash Chand, JD (Chem); Dr. K.L. Gurjar JD (PP); Sh. Govind Ram, Sr. AO; Dr. Sneha Potdar, DD (Chem.); Dr. Brijesh Tripathi, DD (Chem.); Sh. Mahesh Chandra, AD(WS); Dr. T. Sonai Rajan, AD (Ento); Dr. S. K. Jain, Sr. Consultant (Medical Tox.) and Dr. Sameya Anjum, Consultant (Medical Tox.).
Under Section 9(4) following company’s cases were Discussed:
- 9(4)TI – 01
- 9(4)TIM – 33
- 9(4)FIM – 16157
9(4) – TIM (Technical Indigenous Manufacture) – Following cases were discussed.
- Ametryan technical 90% w/w min||Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Metiram technical 90% w/w min||Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Clothinidin technical 98% w/w min||Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Cyzofamide technical 95% w/w min||Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Pinoxaden technical 95% w/w min||Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Pretilachlor technical 96% w/w min||Agrisol (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Difenconazole technical 95% w/w min||Heranba Industries
- Thiophanate methyl technical 94% w/w min||Heranba Industries
- Captan technical 90% w/w min||Heranba Industries
- Fipronil technical 92% w/w min||Heranba Industries
- Dinotefuran technical 97% w/w min||Heranba Industries
- Fipronil technical 92% w/w min||Dharmaj Crop Guard Ltd.
- Pymetrozine technical 98% w/w min||Dharmaj Crop Guard Ltd.
- Deltamethrin technical 98% w/w min||Indogulf Crop Sciences Ltd.
- Metribuzin technical 88% w/w min||Greenkem Organics Pvt. Ltd.
- Imidacloprid technical 94% w/w min||Rotam Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd.
- Quizalofop ethyl technical 98% w/w min||Bharat Rasayan Ltd.
- Fipronil technical 92% w/w min||Rallis India Ltd.
- Pymetrozine technical 98% w/w min.||Shivalik Rasayan Ltd.
- Azoxystrobin technical 95% w/w min||Shivalik Rasayan Ltd.
- Glufosinate ammonium technical 50% w/w min. ||Shivalik Rasayan Ltd.
- Glufosinate ammonium technical 50% w/w min||Bharat Rasayan Ltd.
- Thiamethoxam Technical 97% w/w min||Bharat Products Ltd.
- Pyrazosulfuron ethyl technical 97% w/w min||Bhagiradha Chemicals & Industries Ltd.
- Thiocyclam hydrogen technical 86% w/w min||GSP Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.
- Dodine technical 98% w/w min||Indo Amines Ltd.
- Beta cyfluthrin technical 96.50% w/w min||Hemani Industries Ltd.
- Pretilachlor technical 96% w/w min||Hemani Industries Ltd.
- Glufosinate ammonium technical 50% w/w min.||Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
- Chlorantraniliprole technical 93% w/w min.||Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
- Bifenthrin technical 92% w/w min||Amico Pesticide
- Metribuzin technical 88% w/w min||Shivalik Rasayan Ltd.
Under Section 9(3) following cases were Discussed:
Dimefluthrin technical 95% w/w min; Calcium copper Sulphate/Copper calcium sulphate technical 95.41% min; Glyphosate 41% SL; Chlorpropham technical 99% w/w min; Transfluthrin 0.15% Mosquito Coil; Metribuzin 70% WG; Diuron 25.6% + Glyphosate 14.9% + Oxyfluorfen 11.5% SC; Propaquizafop 2.5% + Imazethapyr 3.75% ME; Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyfluorfen 12% EC; Pyraclostrobin 10% + Fipronil 5% SC; Cartap hydrochloride 25% + Emamectin benzoate 1% SG; Pendimethlain 24% + Oxyfluorfen 4.1% ZE; Oxadiargyl 1% + Pretilachlor 6% GR; Deltamethrin impregnated bed net 55 mg/m2 (0.0018% w/w); Beauveria bassiana 1.5% LF; Trichoderma viride 1.5% WP; Beauvaria bassiana 1.15% WP; Verticillium lecanii 1.15% WP; Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP; Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% WP ; Trichoderma harzianum 1.0% WP; Verticillium chlamydosporium 1% WP; Bacillius subtilis 1.5% AS; Bacillius thuringiensis var israelensis 5% AS; Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Serotype 3a3b3cF 0.5% WP; Chlorpropham 55.37% w/w (624 g/l) HN; Fenpropathrin 10% EW; Imidacloprid 2.15% Gel; Flupyram 34.48% SC; Valifenalate 6% + Mancozeb 60% WG; Gibberellic acid 0.45% SL; Mesotrione technical 74% min.; Forchlorfenuron (CPPU) 0.1% Liquid; Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP; Azoxystrobin 8.3% + Mancozeb 66.7% WG; Pyraclostrobin 133 g/l + Epoxiconazole 50 g/l SE; Ethephone 39% SL; Pinoxaden 5.1% EC; Quizalofop ethyl 7.5% + Imazethapyr 15% EC; Penoxasulam 21.7% SC; Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP; Spray Oil 95% EC; Alphacypermethrin 10% EC (Manufacture for Export Only); Atrazine 50% SC ( Manufacture for export only); Azoxystrobin 200 g/l + Difenoconazole 125 g/l SC w/v (Manufacture for Export Only); Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC w/v (Manufacture for Export Only); Profenofos 50% EC w/v (Manufacture for Export Only); Tebuconazole 43% SC (W/V); Trifluralin Technical 96.50% w/w Min.; Metribuzin 480 g/l SC W/V (Manufacturing for Export); Glyphosate 64.5% SG w/v (Manufacture for Export Only); 2,4-D 480 g/l Dimethyl Amine salt SL; Cypermethrin 360 g/l EC; Lambdacyhalothrin 10% EC; Amitraz 12.5% W/W EC; Profenophos 60% + Cypermethrin 4% EC; Bifenthrin 2% + Imidacloprid 1.5% + Acetamiprid 1% EC; Metalaxyl 12% + Mancozeb 60% WP; Acetamiprid 2% + Lambdacyhalothrin 1.5% EC; Fluazifop-p – butyl 12.5% + Fomesafen 12.5% EC; Chlorpyriphos 20% ME; Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 70% WDG; Abamectin 90% Technical; Mancozeb 60% + Metalaxyl 10% WP; Pretilachlor technical 95 % w/w min; Acetamiprid 20 g/l+ Cypermethrin 20 g/l EC; Kresoxim Methyl technical 94% Min.; Mesotrione 75 g/l + Nicosulfuron 30 g/l OD; Myclobutanil Technical 97.00% w/w Min; Bifenthrin 92% technical; Clodinafop 10% EC; Profenophos 30% + Cypermethrin 4% EC; Profenofos 72% EC; Acetamiprid 2% + Cypermethrin 2% EC; Carbendazim 500 g/l SC; Lufenuron 98% Technical; Metalaxyl 10% + Mancozeb 48% WP; Mancozeb 70% + Cymoxanil 6% WP; Chlorpyriphos 94% Technical; Ethephon 39.5% SL; Carboxin 200 g/l + Thiram 200 g/l SC; Imidacloprid 1.5% + Bifenthrin 1% EC; Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 75 G/L EC; Imidacloprid 3% + Bifenthrin 2% EC; Lambdacyhalothrin 1.5% + Acetamiprid 3% EC; Mancozeb 62% + Cymoxanil 5% + Metalaxyl 18% WG; Lambdacyhalothrin 2.5 % CS; Emamectin Benzoate 2% + Abamectin 2% + Acetamiprid 4% EC; Lambdacyhalothrin 1% + Acetamiprid 1% EC; Azoxystrobin 97% W/W MIN.; Atrazine Technical 95% W/W; Difenoconazole Technical 96% W/W; Dimethoate Technical 85% W/W; Glufosinate Ammonium Technical 50.00% w/w Min.; Glyphosate 95% Technical; Dimethoate 40% EC; Imazethapyr 97% Tech.; Mancozeb 72% WP; Mancozeb 68% + Cymoxanil 4.5% WG; Acephate 45% + Fenvalerate 3% EC; Neem Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin 5% W/W (50000 PPM) MIN.; Indoxacarb 15% SC; Clodinafop 8% EC; Clodinafop 12% EC; Emamectin Benzoate 30% WDG; Pyriproxyfen Technical 98% w/w Min.; Propiconazole Technical 88% w/w Min.; Acetamiprid Technical 99% w/w Min.; PICOXYSTROBIN TECHNICAL 93% w/w MIN; Lambdacyhalothrin 106 G/L + Thiamethoxam 141 G/L SC; Sulphur Technical 99.80% Min.; Profenofos Technical 94% Min.; Abamectin Technical 95% Min.; Alphacypermethrin Technical 95.00% Min.; Atrazine Technical 95% Min.; Bifenthrin Technical 92% Min.; Chlorpyrifos Technical 97% Min.; Cypermethrin Technical 92.00% Min.; Difenoconazole Technical 95% Min.; Fipronil Technical 92.00% Min.; Hexaconazole Technical 92% Min.; Imidacloprid Technical 94.00% Min.; Lambdacyhalothrin Technical 97% Min.; Metribuzin Technical 88.00% Min.; Profenofos Technical 89% Min.; Quizalofop-ethyl Technical 98% Min.; Tebuconazole Technical 95% Min.; Thiamethoxam Technical 97% Min.; Tricyclazole Technical 95% Min.; Chlorpyriphos 40% + Cypermethrin 5% EC; Deltamethrin 2.5% EC; Deltamethrin 5% EC; Dimethoate 40% + Cypermethrin 5% EC; Theta-Cypermethrin Technical 97% w/w Min.; Fenvalerate Technical 93.00% w/w Min; Cypermethrin 4% EC W/V; Beta-Cypermethrin 10%EC W/V; Cypermethrin Technical 95% Min. w/w; Acetamiprid-12.50 % + Bifenthrin-12.50% SL(w/v); 2,4 D ETHYL ESTER TECHNICAL 97% MIN; Mepiquat Chloride TK 50% Min; 2, 4 D Acid Technical 97% w/w Min; 2, 4-D Sodium Salt Technical 94.5% w/w min.; Glufosinate Ammonium Technical 95.00% w/w Min; GLUFOSINATE AMMONIUM 50% TECHNICAL; Bifenthrin 55 g/l + Dinotefuran 220 g/l EC; Propoxur 1.75% + Indoxacarb 0.25% w/w Bait; Magnesium Phosphide 66% Tablet; Flonicamid-35% SC(w/v); Beta-Cyfluthrin 300 g/L SC; Cypermethrin Technical 93% w/w Min. (60:40); Mancozeb 80% w/w WP; Cuprous Oxide 77% WDG; Dinotefuron 20% SG; Cuprous Oxide 75% WDG; ALPAMETHRIN TECHNICAL 95% W/W MIN.; Flubendiamide- 35%+Flonicamid- 35%(w/v) W.P.; Bifenthrin 2.5% w/w SC; Propiconazole Technical 95% w/w Min.; ETHEPHON 48.00% SL; Tebuconazole Technical 97% w/w min.; 2,4-D (Acid) Technical 98% w/w Min.; Alphacypermethrin 25.00% EC; Chlorpyrifos 10% w/w EC; Dicamba Technical 98% w/w min.; Lambda cyhalothrin 1.5% EC; Chlorpyrifos 20% w/w EC; OXYFLUORFEN 24%EC w/w; Cypermethrin Technical 93% min; Cypermethrin 1% w/v EC; Chlorantraniliprole Technical 95% w/w Min; Lambda cyhalothrin 1% W/V EC; Clothianidin 15% + Chlorantraniliprole 15% FS; Malathion 57% w/v EC; Thiamethoxam 141 + Lambda cyhalothrin 106 g/L SC; Chlorantraniliprole 35% WG; Chlorpyrifos 10% w/v EC; Cypermethrin 14.4% + Imidacloprid 20% SE; Flubendiamide- 20% + Flonicamid- 20%(w/v) SC; Flonicamid-80% (w/w) W.P.; Flubendiamide 20% + Fipronil 8 % SC; Beta-cyfluthrin-12.50% SC; Tembotrione 34.4% w/w SC; Cypermethrin- 7.20% + Abamectin-2.20% EC; Ethiprole-40%SC; Florasulam Technical 97% w/w Min; Metalaxyl Technical 90%Min; Acetamiprid Technical 95 %Min; Mancozeb 80% WP.
Under Section 9(3) following companies’s cases were Discussed:
Synergia Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; Parikh Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.; Agrow Allied Ventures Pvt. Ltd.; Penwalt Ltd.; Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.; Sulphur Mills Ltd.; ADAMA India Pvt. Ltd.; Best Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.; Gharda Chemicals Ltd.; Insecticide India Ltd.; Parijat Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd.; Shobika Impex Pvt. Ltd.; synergy Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.; Akshamala Solutions Pvt. Ltd.; Dara Chemicals; Nova Biotech; GB Agro and Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd.; Gowtech Agri Science and Research Pvt. Ltd.; JIS Organics Pvt. Ltd.; Allwin Industries; Radons Crop Care LLP; Advance Crop Care India Pvt. Ltd.; Arihant Chemicals Industries; Bacter Technologies; Dharti Biotech; Mukul Bio Control Industries; Fishfa Biogenics; Gujarat Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd.; Om Laboratories; Cryagen Agri & Biotech Pvt. Ltd.; Gokulam Enterprises; Velamani Crop; Gujarat Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; Parle Bio Care; Redisun Biotech; Viswa Mkitra Bio Agro Pvt. Ltd.; Department of Plant Pathology; Biofac Inputs; Jaiv Vatica; Maharashtra Insecticide Ltd.; Gujarat Green Crop Care; Amit Biotech Pvt. Ltd.; Ruchi Oyster Mushroom, Ltd.; Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd.; Bayer CropScience Ltd.; FMC India Pvt./ Ltd.; Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd.; Syngenta India Ltd.; Omega Fine Chemicals; UPL Ltd.; BASF India Ltd.; Bayer Crop Science Ltd.; Dow AgroSciences India Pvt. Ltd.; APAR Industries Ltd.; Best Agrolife Limited; BR Agrotech Ltd; Indo Amines Ltd.; Future Chem Agro Private Limited; Bios Cropcare Pvt Ltd.; Ashish Life Science Pvt Limited; New Pack Agro Chem; Ju Agri Sciences Private Limited; Heranba Industries Limited; Agro Life Science Corporation; Omkar Agri Global Pvt Ltd; Oshivaan Crop Care Private Limited; Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited; ACT Agro-Chem Pvt Ltd.; Meghmani Organics Limited, Ahmedabad; Atul Limited; Sandhya Organic Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.; Hemani Industries Ltd.; Parikh Enterprises Pvt.Ltd.; Bharat Rasayan Ltd; Insecticides India Limited; Agrow Allied Ventures Private Limited; Gharda Chemicals Limited; Indogulf Cropsciences Limited; GSP Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.; SML Limited; SAI CROP- SCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED
Under Section 9(3) – Biopesticide following companies’s cases were Discussed:
Synergy Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.; Akshamala Solutions Pvt. Ltd.; Dara Chemicals; Nova Biotech; GB Agro and Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd.; Gowtech Agri Science and Research Pvt. Ltd.; JIS Organics Pvt. Ltd.; allowing Industries; Radons Crop Care LLP; Advance Crop Care India Pvt. Ltd.; Arihant Chemicals Industries; Bacter Technologies; Dharti Biotech; Mukul Bio Control Industries; Fishfa Biogenics; Gujarat Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd.; Om Laboratories; Cryagen Agri & Biotech Pvt. Ltd.; Gokulam Enterprises; Velamani Crop; Gujarat Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.; Parle Bio Care; Redisun Biotech; Viswa Mkitra Bio Agro Pvt. Ltd.; Department of Plant Pathology; Biofac Inputs; Jaiv Vatica; Maharashtra Insecticide Ltd.; Gujarat Green Crop Care; Amit Biotech Pvt. Ltd.; Ruchi Oyster Mushroom, Ltd.
ChemRobotics Agrochemicals Pesticide Intelligence Database
For detailed information and access to full classified information on the 444th RC Meeting and their cases under 9(3), 9(4), Endorsement, and Miscellaneous cases, please visit Indian Pesticide Database (IPD)