The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee published – Mode of Action (MOA) Classification Brochure 10.5 Edition, Now including Nematicides

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IRAC Mode of Action (MOA) Classification Scheme, Version 10.5.
IRAC Poster Edition 10.5, March 2023. Based on the Mode of Action (MOA) Classification Version 10.5

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Table Notes:
• Inclusion of an insecticidal agent in the classification above does not necessarily signify regulatory approval.
• MoA assignments will usually involve identification of the target protein responsible for the biological effect,
although groupings can be made where insecticidal agents share distinctive physiological effects and are
structurally related.
• Groups 26 and 27 are unassigned at this time and have therefore been omitted from the table.
• An insecticidal agent with an unknown or controversial MoA or an unknown mode of toxicity will be held in
group ‘UN’ or ‘UNB’, ‘UNE’, ‘UNF’, ‘UNM’, ‘UNP’, UNV as applicable until evidence becomes available to enable
assignment to a more appropriate MoA class.
• Actives in groups marked with an asterisk are thought not to share a common target site and therefore may be
freely rotated with each other unless there is reason to expect cross-resistance. These groups are 8, 13, UN,
• Different baculoviruses that target different insect orders may be used together without compromising their
resistance management. Rotation between certain specific baculoviruses may provide resistance management
benefits for some pests. Consult product-specific recommendations.
Nematicide Mode of Action Classification Scheme (Version 2.1)
