Key Takeaways from the 460th RC Meeting: Approved Agrochemical Technical, Solo & Combinations for Corteva, Bayer, Syngenta & FMC

Key Takeaways from the 460th RC Meeting Approved Agrochemical Combinations for Corteva, Bayer, Syngenta & FMC

Key Takeaways from the 460th RC Meeting Approved Agrochemical Combinations for Corteva, Bayer, Syngenta & FMC

The Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) has recently announced approvals and decisions on regulatory applications submitted by agrochemical companies. These decisions are crucial for introducing new pest-control solutions in the agricultural sector. Below are the key highlights:

1. M/s Corteva Crop India Pvt. Ltd.

The company sought an endorsement for the change in the source of import for Florpyrauxifen benzyl technical 92% w/w min.
Decision: The change of source was approved from Albemarle Corporation (Dow AgroSciences LLC, USA) to W.R. Grace & Co. (Corteva Agrisciences LLC, USA) under Section 9(3) of the Insecticide Act, 1968.

2. M/s Bayer CropScience

An application for technical import registration of Diflufenican Technical 97% w/w min. under Section 9(3) TI was reviewed.
Decision: Approval was granted for importing the product from Briar Chemicals Limited, United Kingdom. The registration is indefinite in the source country, ensuring consistency in supply.

3. M/s Syngenta India Ltd.

The company applied for the indigenous manufacture of Cyantraniliprole 48% w/w FS (Cyantraniliprole 60% w/v FS) to address pest issues in maize crops.
Decision: Registration was approved for combating Fall Armyworm, Stem Borer, and Cut Worm on maize. A cautionary statement about the product’s toxicity to aquatic organisms, freshwater fish, and honey bees must be included in the label and leaflet.

4. M/s FMC India Pvt. Ltd.

The application focused on the indigenous manufacture of Flutriafol 23% SC under Section 9(3) FIM.
Decision: Approval was granted for using the product against Rice Brown Spot and Sheath Blight in rice cultivation. The approval is subject to MRL fixation.

For a complete overview of Indian pesticide approvals, please access: Indian Pesticide Database

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