- Lipidor submits a new patent application and expands collaboration with Cannassure using Lipitor’s innovative AKVANO technology for medicinal cannabis products
- AKVANO® is a novel proprietary drug delivery system. It represents an innovative dosage form consisting of water-free, sprayable liquid formulations in which selected lipids and the active ingredient is dissolved in a volatile solvent.
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Lipitor AB (publ) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: LIPI) announced that the collaboration agreement with Cannassure Therapeutics has expanded to include a new patent family covering new innovative AKVANO® topical compositions. Lipitor submitted the new patent application to the European Patent Office on 25 October 2021.
Earlier this year, Lipitor signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Cannassure Therapeutics for the use of Lipidor’s patented drug delivery technology AKVANO® in topical medical cannabis products, and the programs are progressing according to expectations. Cannassure Therapeutics plans to apply for approvals to conduct Phase I/IIa clinical trials with medicinal cannabis products for psoriasis and pain treatments during 2022. The results from these clinical studies would be expected in H1 2023.
Swedish R&D company Lipidor AB and Cannassure Therapeutics Ltd, an Israeli commercial medical cannabis company whose operations include the entire medical cannabis value chain, report that the programs for the medicinal cannabis products using AKVANO® technology are progressing to expectations. Additional preclinical data confirm the potential benefits of using AKVANO® for cannabinoids. The next milestone is to submit the clinical study protocols to the Israeli Ministry of Health for their review and approval. Cannassure Therapeutics expects to apply for approvals to conduct a Phase I/IIa clinical trial with a medicinal cannabis product for the treatment of psoriasis in Q1 2022 as well as an application for a Phase I/IIa clinical study for pain treatment in H2 2022. Pending the approvals and completion of the trials, the results from the clinical studies are expected in H1 2023.
In line with Lipidor’s strategy, the company is continuously looking into and undertaking work to further strengthen and extend patent protections for the AKVANO® technology. Based on the new IP (intellectual property), the scope of the collaboration agreement has expanded to include a new patent family covering innovative new AKVANO® topical formulations. Lipitor submitted a new priority patent application to the European Patent Office (EPO) on October 25, 2021.
There is a significant unmet need for topical pain and psoriasis therapies, and in both indications, the possibility to use an AKVANO® formulation as a non-touch spray is expected to make the treatment more convenient for the patient. Cannabinoids based products are novel, involve new mechanisms of action, are safe and tolerable, and have the potential to improve quality of life for patients who do not benefit from current products on the market.
“We are delighted that Cannassure Therapeutics’ programs, using Lipidor’s AKVANO® technology in the development of topical medicinal cannabis products, are progressing well. Furthermore, we are pleased to expand the scope of our collaboration agreement with Cannassure since the exclusive licensing agreement represents a significant commercial potential for Lipitor and an external validation of our unique formulation platform, showing that cannabinoids can also be well incorporated into AKVANO®. We have great faith in Cannassure moving forward as well as high expectations on the partnership with the aim to commercialize innovative new products as soon as possible,” says Ola Holmlund, CEO of Lipitor.
In light of the outbreak of the coronavirus and COVID-19, Lipitor is closely monitoring developments and taking measures to minimize or eliminate the impact on the company’s operations. To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a limited effect on Lipidor’s operations, but the company may need to revise its schedules if the pandemic is prolonged.
What is AKVANO technology?
Lipitor’s AKVANO® lipid-based technology offers unique product opportunities across dermatology, wound, and skincare markets
AKVANO® is a drug delivery technology based on sprayable formulations consisting of lipid components dissolved in a volatile, water-free solvent mixture. When this formulation is applied to the skin, the solvent evaporates and a non-occlusive lipid layer is formed in immediate interaction with the skin surface. Earlier studies show that by choosing different lipids in the AKVANO vehicle, the skin barrier could either be strengthened or weakened, made evident by changes in transepidermal water loss.
.What is the Patent application?
A patent application is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for an invention described in the patent specification[notes and a set of one or more claims stated in a formal document, including necessary official forms and related correspondence. It is the combination of the document and its processing within the administrative and legal framework of the patent office.
To obtain the grant of a patent, a person, either legal or natural, must file an application at a patent office with the jurisdiction to grant a patent in the geographic area over which coverage is required. This is often a national patent office, but maybe a regional body, such as the European Patent Office. Once the patent specification complies with the laws of the office concerned, a patent may be granted for the invention described and claimed by the specification.
About The European Patent Office:
The European Patent Office is one of the two organs of the European Patent Organisation (EPO), the other being the Administrative Council. The EPO acts as the executive body for the organization while the Administrative Council acts as its supervisory body as well as, to a limited extent, its legislative body. The actual legislative power to revise the European Patent Convention lies with the Contracting States themselves when meeting at a Conference of the Contracting States.
About Cannasure Therapeutics:
Cannassure develops and commercializes a wide range of effective, high-quality, affordable medical cannabis products and pharmaceutical cannabinoid medicines designed to enhance treatment and improve the quality of life for people worldwide.
The company ensures the highest standards by facilitating a holistic integrated production system, including a clean and controlled and advanced indoor aeroponic grow facility and an extraction and processing facility, along with scientifically advanced research and development.
Cannassure operates in accordance with IMC-GAP standards, testing both its unprocessed cultivated cannabis and its manufactured products at different stages of production to ensure purity, effectiveness, stability, and consistency for the duration of the product’s shelf life.
Cannasure is a spinoff of food manufacturer Solbar Food Technologies, with 60 years of applied industrial expertise and know-how. Solbar is the majority shareholder in the company.
About Lipidor:
Lipidor AB produces and distributes pharmaceutical products. The Company engages in manufacturing and developing lipids and related products for topical administration across pharma, wound, and skincare markets.