- The proposal for an Ordinance that regulates the rite of selection of processes for registration of pesticides and related products with agricultural purposes will make up the priority list of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) publishes a Consultation in Order to Expedite the Pesticide Registration Procedure.
There is currently a lack of products that can control pests that threaten agricultural production, given the demand the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) opened a Public Consultation with a proposal to regulate the rite in the selection of pesticide registration processes defined the main pests and the chemical alternatives necessary for effective control. There will be ten target pests, which will be listed in numerical order according to established priority.
This Monday (22.11), the Ordinance that submits to Public Consultation the proposal for an Ordinance that regulates the rite of selection of processes for registration of pesticides and related products with agricultural purposes that will make up the list of priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
What does Ordinance No. 451 of November 19, 2021 say?
THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURAL DEFENSE, OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLY, in the use of the powers conferred on him by arts. 24 and 68 of Annex I of Decree 10,827, of September 30, 2021, in view of the provisions of Law No. 1,283, of December 18, 1950, in Decree No. 9,013 of March 29, 2017, and what is stated of Process No. 21000.090782/2021-73, resolves:
Art. 1 Submit for public consultation, for a period of 30 (thirty) days, the annex to this Ordinance, containing the proposal for an Ordinance that regulates the rite of selection of pesticide registration processes and the like with agricultural purposes that will make up the list of priorities Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
Art. 2 The technically substantiated suggestions must be sent through the Regulatory Acts Monitoring System – SISMAN, of the Agricultural Defense Secretariat, by electronic access.
Art. 3 After the deadline established in the caput of art. 1 of this Ordinance, the Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs (DSV) will evaluate the suggestions received and make the relevant adjustments for subsequent publication of the Ordinance in the Official Gazette of the Union.
Art. 4 This Ordinance enters into force on the date of its publication.
THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURAL DEFENSE OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLY , in the use of the attribution conferred on him by arts. 24 and 68 of Annex I of Decree 10,827, of September 30, 2021 and in view of the provisions of Law No. 7,802, of July 11, 1989, compliance with Article 12-C of Decree No. 4,074, of 4th of January 2002 amended by Decree No. 10.833, of October 7, 2021, in addition to what appears in Judgment No. 2848/2020-TCU-Plenário and in the content of the process 21000.090782/2021-73, resolves :
Art. 1 To determine the rite of selection of registration processes that will make up the priority list of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
Art. 2 The Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs of the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense will publish a list of priority pests on the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply website.
- 1 The Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs will choose 10 pests from the list of priority pests;
- 2 The selected pests will be listed in numerical order according to the priority established by the Department of Plant Health, being ordered in accordance with Annex II;
Art. 3 Applicants for pesticide registration processes that have already been filed may, within 30 days of the publication of this Ordinance, apply for up to 20 processes for the priority selection process referred to in this Ordinance.
- 1 The processes and respective scores must be delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply through the Form contained in Annex III;
- 2 Errors in filling in and calculating the Annex may disqualify the applicant from the selection process;
- 3º Companies that have not sold at least half of the pesticides for which they are registered holders in the previous year will have their products disqualified.
- 4 The claimant must agree with the public disclosure of the registration application contained in the process that will be prioritized.
Art. 4 The processes presented in accordance with Article 3 will be ordered by the score obtained from the formula in Annex I and the list should be published by the General Coordination of Pesticides and Related Products of the Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs on the Ministry of Agriculture’s website Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.
Art. 5 The products with the highest scores will be distributed in the spreadsheet in Annex II according to the following criteria:
- 1 The product with the highest score will be linked to the most important priority pest controlled by it;
- 2 The other products will be distributed under the same criteria as in §1 until the completion of the spreadsheet;
- 3 Product with the same active ingredient as the product selected with the highest score will not be chosen for the same priority pest;
- 4 Products already listed will not be included more than once, regardless of whether they contain recommendations for other priority pests;
- 5 In the event of a tie in the score, the products with the highest number of controlled target pests will be chosen;
- 6 The General Coordination of Pesticides and Related Products will audit the calculation of Product Points for the selected products;
- 7 Calculation errors or untrue information may result in the disqualification of all the plaintiff’s processes;
- 8 omissions will be resolved by the General Coordination of Pesticides and Related Products;
Art. 6 Each formulated product automatically prioritized will prioritize at most 1 (one) technical product for each active ingredient contained in its formulation.
Single paragraph. When the selected prioritized formulated product contains more than one technical product per active ingredient, the applicant company must indicate to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply which technical product it wishes to prioritize
Art. 7 A maximum of 30 formulated products will be selected for prioritization.
Art. 8 This Ordinance comes into force on xx xxxx xxxx.
Secretary of Agricultural Defense
Product Points = { PA . (1 + PI + PM) } + PC + PF}
On what:
1. PI = Innovation Points for new active ingredient
PI =2 if the product has an active ingredient that is new in a formulated product already registered in the country.
PI = 0 if the product does not have an active ingredient that is new in a formulated product already registered in the country.
2. PM = New Action Mechanism Innovation Points
With PM =2 if the product has an active ingredient that is new in a formulated product already registered in the country.
PM = 0 if the product does not have new active ingredient in a formulated product already registered in the country.
- PA = Controlled target pest points
PA=5. log (1 + a ).
Where “a” = quantity of target pests in the priority list in Article 2 that the product controls.
4. PC = Competitiveness Points
PC = c+2.5. log (1+m).
Where “c” = 1 if there are less than two suppliers in addition to the claimant, in the national market, of each active ingredient contained in the formulated product.
Where “c” = 0 if there are more than two suppliers in addition to the claimant, in the national market, of each active ingredient contained in the formulated product.
Where m is the amount of crops with insufficient phytosanitary support for which the product has a recommendation.
5.PF = National manufacturing points
Where PF = 2 if the claim for registration of the product has a national manufacturer.
Where PF = 1 if the product registration claim has a national formulator.
Where PF = 3 if the claim for registration of the product has a national manufacturer and formulator.
Process Distribution Table
Application requirement for formulated product prioritization
A-Pleading Company: ____________________________________________________
B-CNPJ: _____________________________________________________________
1- The application table may be repeated up to a maximum of 20 products, as per Article 3.
C- I declare that the above information is true and I authorize the public availability of this application
——————–, —- from ————— from 2021
Name and CPF of Legal Representative
About Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA):
The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) mission is to promote sustainable development and competitiveness of agribusiness for the benefit of the Brazilian society. Therefore, MAPA stimulates the increase of agricultural production and agribusiness development, in order to meet domestic demand and form an exportable surplus. This mission is contributing to employment and income generation, promotion of food security, social inclusion and the reduction of social inequalities.
To fulfill its mission, MAPA formulates and executes policies for the development of agribusiness, integrating marketing, technological, scientific, organizational and environmental aspects, to meet the needs of Brazilian consumers and the international market. These policies are implemented in a decentralized way by the Federal Superintendences of Agriculture (SFA) of Brazilian states, working in the fields of agricultural production and promotion and technology transfer in agricultural systems, in partnership with different institutions. Thereby, MAPA has the support of EMBRAPA and other institutions like the Institute of Food Technology (ITAL) in the training of agents from agricultural chains to improve the quality of agricultural products produced in Brazil and to be exported.
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