Miravis® Ace fungicide is the first of its kind when it comes to disease control in wheat. A combination of propiconazole and Adepidyn® fungicide – the first and only SDHI mode of action available for Fusarium head blight (head scab) control – Miravis Ace sets a new standard for application flexibility and efficacy.
Miravis Ace Fungicide:
- Gives growers more flexibility to apply on-time and protect both the main heads and tillers by allowing applications as early as 50% head emergence
- Puts minds at ease by providing superior control of head scab and curative control of Septoria leaf spot
- Creates a reservoir within the wax layer of the leaf that withstands rain and degradation
- Distributes evenly within the leaf for constant protection
Syngenta recently launched Miravis® Ace fungicide for improved control of Fusarium head blight (head scab) in wheat for the 2019 season in the USA. The convenient premix of propiconazole and Adepidyn® fungicide, a new mode of action for a head scab, will help wheat growers unlock a completely new way to manage head scab and get ahead of diseases such as Septoria that could be more prevalent if current weather patterns continue.
With conditions ripe for disease development and great turbulence in wheat futures, Syngenta believes growers will be looking to find every opportunity to push yields, test weight and quality to their maximum potential in 2019.
“While it may be premature to determine how the weather will impact head scab severity in 2019, it’s not too early to begin making a management plan to protect their investment,” explained Nathan Popiel, Syngenta agronomy service representative. “Growers know head scab management always requires planning, but this year, growers will have more time to protect their crops with Miravis Ace and push their potential yield. For the first time ever, they will have a wider window of the application, from as early as 50 percent head emergence up to flowering.”
Multiple years of Syngenta and third-party field trials have confirmed the ability of Miravis Ace to protect wheat yield and quality when applied early: 13 out of 15 field trials in 2018 that compared Miravis Ace to older fungicides at both 50 percent head emergence and flowering showed improved disease control and yield results1. Specifically:
Having more time to get ahead of head scab removes a great deal of uncertainty for the grower and opens up a completely new way to manage this devastating disease. “While older fungicides have provided a level of protection, having to hit flowering precisely leaves no room for delays or errors,” said Eric Tedford, Syngenta technical fungicide product lead. “The power and stamina of Miravis Ace allow growers to spray earlier, protect the main head and tillers, and not sacrifice efficacy or yield potential. We think Miravis Ace will be a game-changer for growers.”