Home CompaniesNufarm APVMA Approves Nufarm’s TriflurX (Trifluralin Herbicide) For Use on Oat Growers

APVMA Approves Nufarm’s TriflurX (Trifluralin Herbicide) For Use on Oat Growers

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APVMA Approves Nufarm’s TriflurX (Trifluralin Herbicide) For Use on Oat Growers

Summary :

  • The use of trifluralin in 2022 and beyond was secured for oat growers after Nufarm received registration of its herbicide TriflurX from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).
  • It received a minor use permit from the APVMA, with support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development DPIRD, advising the use of trifluralin as a pre-emergent herbicide on oats for the suppression of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.

The trifluralin herbicide, previously available under a minor use permit, received national registration for use on oats (grain) and oat hay crops from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) last month.

APVMA Approves Nufarm’s TriflurX (Trifluralin Herbicide) For Use on Oat Growers

APVMA Approves Nufarm’s TriflurX (Trifluralin Herbicide) For Use on Oat Growers

The registration follows a significant collaboration between Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), AgriFutures Australia and Nufarm, who invested together to gather the necessary data to register the product for use, which is a longer term and better solution than a minor use permit .

“The oat industry prides itself on being very clean and green. So far, the industry has done a good job of managing the weed burden in our crops,” Mr Wiese said.

“This is especially challenging with oats, and growers generally use a range of different weed control mechanisms because they have limited chemical weed control options.

“Trifluralin is another tool in the tool bag that helps keep our industry sustainable. It’s great to see the registration achieved and really good to see the industry and Nufarm stepping up to support it.”

About TriflurX


Structure of Trifluralin

  • Active Ingredient : Trifluralin
  • IUPAC: 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)aniline
  • CAS RN:1582-09-8
  • Mechanism of Action (MOA): Inhibitor Of Microtubule Assembly. Mitosis Inhibitors
  • CHEMICAL CLASS: Herbicides
  • Trifluralin is generally applied to the soil to provide control of a variety of annual grass and broadleaf weed species.

Field trials and data generation are only one part of the process. The label is owned by the chemical registrant, and they are required to prepare and make the submission to the APVMA. Nufarm provided the regulatory expertise to compile the submission based on their TriflurX® label, which is now the only product to carry this registration.

GRDC Manager Chemical Regulation Gordon Cumming said that the registration would come as a relief to oat growers, particularly in Western and South Australia, where the majority of Australia’s oats and oaten hay are produced.

About Nufarm

Nufarm is an Australian agricultural chemical company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. Established in 1956, the company was founded by Max Fremder. It holds more than 2,100 product registrations, and markets products in more than 100 countries around the world.

A large range of other crop protection products are produced in manufacturing facilities in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, Africa and America.

Nufarm has also developed a position in the turf and specialty markets (lawn care, golf courses, municipal parks, aquatic and forestry weed control).

Nufarm is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (symbol NUF) and its head office is located at Laverton in Melbourne. As at close on Friday 4 October 2019, its ordinary share capital was valued at AUD$6.49, implying a market capitalisation of AUD$2.45 billion.

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