Home Active Agrochemical IngredientAgrochemical Discovery Candidates (New ISO) BIXLOZONE HERBICIDE OF FMC – REGISTERED IN ARGENTINA


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Bixlozone | herbicide | Cereals | Rapeseed | Corn | Sugarcane 

Trade Name |Bixlozone | Azugro | Isoflex | Overwatch

Registered | Australia | Argentina

FMC is in the final process of developing and registering a new pre-seeding herbicide based on the Isoflex active technology named “Azugro,” used for the long-term control of ryegrass (Lolium spp.) in wheat.

Isoflex™ active is the trade name of Bixlozone, a new herbicide ingredient from the isoxazolidine family discovered and developed by the FMC research and development organization. It offers growers operational flexibility and lasting control of key grass weeds, including those with developed resistance to other herbicides, as well as some broadleaf weeds. Early season application timing enables growers to maximize productivity across multiple crop segments.

FMC AUSTRALASIA PTY LTD registration of the new product Overwatch Herbicide, containing 400 g/L bixlozone, formulated as a suspension concentrate.

Overwatch® herbicide is FMC’s branded product containing Isoflex™ active in Australia.

Earlier, Isoflex™ is registered in Australia as Overwatch® herbicide. The anticipate launching herbicide brands powered by Isoflex™ active in Argentina and China in 2022 and India, Brazil, and parts of Europe over the next five years for cereals, rapeseed, corn and sugarcane.

The innovative pre-emergent herbicide promises to have outstanding control over annual ryegrass – one of the bigger pain points for Australian farmers – and it has proven to be effective against weeds such as silvergrass, bifora, sowthistle, hogweed and lesser loosestrife, making it an excellent fit in many paddocks.

Another aspect that makes the product truly unique in the Australian broadacre market is that it is the only isoxazolidinone herbicide that can used for three key winter crops – wheat, barley and canola – providing farmers with more flexibility for crop rotations.

Overwatch® Herbicide also has long-lasting residual control, making it very effective on later germinating weeds, with up to 12 weeks control of a wide range of weeds.


  • Common name (ISO): Bixlozone
  • IUPAC name: 2-[(2,4-dichlorophenyl)methyl]-4,4-dimethyl-1,2-oxazolidin-3-one
  • CAS registry number: 81777-95-9
  • Molecular formula: C12H13Cl2NO2


  • New Mode of Action in cereals (wheat and barley) –Overwatch Herbicide acts by blocking carotenoid biosynthesis in susceptible plants. The loss of the protective function of carotenoids leads to bleached leaves on the plants. Bleaching of crop leaves may also occur, so crop safety is an important consideration when applying Overwatch Herbicide. Overwatch Herbicide controls the germinating weed seedling through uptake predominantly via roots and young shoots. Studies have shown that movement occurs in xylem tissue (transpiration pathway), and Overwatch Herbicide does not appear to demonstrate downward movement, or translocation from leaf to leaf.
  • Controls/suppresses difficult grasses (ryegrass, crabgrass, goosegrass, blackgrass) and some key broadleaf weeds (chickweed, speedwell, shepard’s purse).
  • Excellent tool for resistance management in preemergent and early post-emergent crop segments on wide range of major crops.
  • A new rotational technology in some markets.
  • Provide systemic and contact activity with residual control.
  • Key mixture partner for residual grass control in cereals and other crops.


  • Progressed to Launch Gate in Q3 2020.
  • Australia active ingredient registration approved.
  • Brazil active ingredient registration submitted early 2020.
  • EU active ingredient dossier submitted to UK and Netherlands.
  • Began commercial production of technical material at Panoli, India facility.
  • Formulated commercial product being produced at Wyong, Australia facility.
  • Australia product launch prepared for Q1 2021.

More Info: Please visit ChemRobotics.com (Agrochemical Database) & ChemRoboticsPharma.com (Pharmaceutical Database)

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